well I think that it is finally time to update my blog a little bit here! I just wanted to share some thoughts on my talk that I gave in sacrament meeting yesterday. On friday night I was at my nephew Owen's 8th birthday party and I had my phone in my pocket and I didn't recognize the number but I decided to answer it, and low and behold, it was Bro. Lemon from the bishopric! Yes he asked me to speak that coming Sunday! I was actually really excited about it, my topic was Happiness! When I heard what the subject was, I was really suprised how broad of a subject it was, so I was trying to think where I could go with this subject. Hmmmm? Since I didn't have as much time as I would like to prepare for a talk I decided to do some outward mental processing...meaning I called my friends and my mom to help me get ideas flowing and see where that would take me. I ulitmately decided on the idea of how to experience and obtain happiness, I didn't want to define it. To experience this happiness I went through some basic principles, prayer, keeping the commandments, repentance, and missionary work. I know that as I have done these things in my life, that we will be happy. Not saying that there isn't sorrow in our lives as well. There has to be opposition in all things, but as Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said before he passed away "Come what may and love it..." don't let frustration control your life, learn to understand it and move on with it. Elder Uchtdorf said "Enduring adversity is not the only thing you must do to experience a happy life. Let me repeat: how you react to adversity and temptation is a critical factor in whether or not you arrive at your own "happily ever after,". I love that quote, for us to grow from these adversities we must be able to grow from them, to rely on the Lord and his atonement, to pray for that strength. Happiness is innate, we all have the light of Christ, and we must understand as Pres. Hinckley said "Life is to be enjoyed not endured," so enjoy your life, enjoy all of the experiences you have and know that this is truly the plan of happiness.