Friday, May 21, 2010

life sometimes....

so life sometimes is hard. Yesterday I was having a little pity-party for myself (which are never good), and I was being sad about being single, and having too much expected of me but then not expecting enough from myself, blah, blah, blah. It was just one of those days. Thankfully those days don't happen all that much and to realize that I don't have it that bad! Yes its hard, but as my mother says, "I can do hard". I think we all can do hard, we just have to try. I compare doing "hard" to running. It sucks at the beginning, I ache and complain, but then I get my rhythm down and I get in the mindset of finishing and guess what, I always feel better at the end! So life sometimes is hard, but rewarding!


  1. Meg I think sometimes we all need a pity party. You have it good if you ask me, good job, good family, school. Oh and a best friend who loves you! You don't need anyone but me right!

  2. "I can do hard" Love that. Megs, I miss u!!! I have pity parties too, so don't feel bad. But your time will come, I promise. And when it does... it will be amazing!!!
